About Us

For an entrepreneur, it may be a retail space or an online community. For an artisan, it’s the tools and work space needed to create an excellent finished product. For a family, it’s a comfortable and warm place to call home. For us, we share in each of these desires; but it has always involved coffee. We’ve been working in coffee for over ten years, committed to the culture and community that stand behind the importance of a great product. With big dreams and lifelong aspirations come late nights, long hours, and seemingly endless tasks. In everything that we have done and continue to do, we always come back to the most reliable element, our first true love: the coffee.

Offering only the finest ingredients and processes for the community, our commitment to quality begins with the coffee seed and continues beyond your empty cup. We’re redefining what excellence looks like; from your choice of beverage, to what sits on your plate. Our purpose is to deliver excellence in everything that we do.

We understand that we can’t do it on our own, so we connect with like-minded and passionate folks from around the world as we continue to evolve coffee together. We source coffees that are beautiful and sustainable, and craftfully roast them here in Columbus, embracing the sanctity of freshness and quality.

We will change the way that you think about coffee and how you experience every single cup. Our space isn’t for the pretentious at heart; we’ve created an environment that fosters questions, develops conversations, and embraces knowledge. We are all still students in an always-evolving world of coffee.